60 Day's - Engagement Pictures

We FINALLY got our engagement pictures done...what can I say I'm a procrastinator! That means I am also working on getting those invites printed, sooo almost two checks off the big list!
Lina Verovaya of Take a Shot Photography took these absolutely beautiful pictures of us. She is seriously so super talented you guys!! Liz and I have worked with her on the blog and she is a dream to work with as well. Lina will be taking our wedding photo's as well and I can't WAIT!... seriously though...so excited! This post is going to basically be pictures, because I had way to many amazing ones to pick from!!
Can you tell how excited I am and how he's not... haha, oh boy! A big props to Lina for telling us what to do and make us look like models (That definitely did not come natural to us!)
Thanks to my partner for making my face look gorgeous! Elizabeth, girl, your the best (obviously!!)

I did my own hair with a little help from Luxy Hair Extensions!
We of course had to go to the barn and take some pictures! I am marrying a farmer after all!
We were trying to be models in this picture! Did it work?!

I am so in love with these pictures! I could show you them all day... but I wont, because you probably have stuff to do and I need to go do the homework assignment in my marriage counseling book (lots to learn, lots to learn!) Here is one last parting picture before I go. I'm pretty excited to become this handsome farmers wife!