87 Days

I AM ENGAGED!!... and the wedding is in 87 days (hence the title you guys)


So, this is me inviting you along on this crazy wedding planning train, because 87 days is not exactly a lot of time! In this blog series I plan on posting the real life, behind the scenes stories about wedding planning. As many of you who have been brides know, wedding planning is fun, yet hectic and crazy all at the same time. An extreme amount of time, effort and work go into creating that perfect day. I am only a week into planning and have already stocked on some ice cream so I have back up for those stressful days! (so much for losing that wedding weight!) I am incredibly blessed with so many amazing family and friends who all are wanting and willing to help out with anything! So, fingers crossed this should all go smoothly, right?! Only time will tell.. oh wait, I don't really have any time, soooo I should get back to that giant wedding checklist I have! Next on the list, write a blog about how Chris and I met and reveal a BIG SECRET! Naw, just kidding its not a big secret, but it interesting so tune in for the next post in my 87, almost 86 days wedding series!