5 easy things you should be doing for your dry skin!

Currently here in the PNW, we are powering on through winter! Little things like surprise snow storms in our otherwise gentle weather make me want to curl up in our little home and never set foot into the fluffy white cold. My guilty pleasure on a cold day (or any day..) is taking ridiculously long baths, which can suck the moisture (whatever was left) right outta my skin. Therefore I have come up with a solid routine to keep my skin happy all winter long! Enjoy!
1. Drink AND eat your water! If your face continually has that tight "just got out of the shower" feeling, then your skin is dehydrated and needs to a drink from the inside.
2. Exfoliate a little more often, but be gentle! The dry dead skin needs to come off to let the baby skin shine, please don't exfolite every day but adding one more time a week will do wonders! (I exfoliate my dry skin 2-3 times a week typically.)
3. Use an nourishing oil before going to sleep. Especially important if you have naturally dry skin that flakes when it gets bad. Our bodies heal at a remarkable rate while we sleep, so help your skin out by feeding it all kinds of goodness before hitting the sack. I call this one from MAVEN my "liquid gold".
4. Repair your moisture barrier. This barrier is responsible for keeping dirt out and keeping moisture in. It protects your skin while also keeping it nice and soft! Quite often I find it has been stripped from areas like the cheeks, forehead, and jaw line. Sometimes from harsh products used to combat acne, sometimes from weather like the freezing wind we've been having of late! A good way to help fix that is to eat good healthy fats such as nuts, fish, and avocado. This is also a problem your nightly oil routine should help heal!
5. Get your self a good moisturizing primer. This one from Sonia Roselli is the one I've had in my kit for years and it's perfect because it's not greasy whatsoever and feels (and looks) so beautiful under makeup!
Loving these sweet sisters who came down from Canada to hang out with Erika and I! Don't they just make you happy to watch them interact? LOVE.
Thanks to Kim Lincoln Photography for the stunning photography work as always! She's also an amazing Senior Photographer... in case anyone was wondering. ;)