Bellingham Fitness Studio: barre3

I must admit we were a tad hesitant to reach out to barre3 about a BossLady feature. This was one that was out of our league, we thought, but the people who knew owner Caitlyn encouraged us to reach out. They knew what we were soon to discover, this woman is a force! Not in a power driven, loud, domineering sort of way, but in a calming, elegant and graceful way of being that is reflected in everything she does. Then, the more we talked with her, the more we realized this lady radiates the energy that fuels the studio. Caitlyn's interactions with her employees and her members are positive, encouraging, and reassuring. Her sense of building community proves those same qualities reaches beyond her work and into the lives of everyone who comes in contact with her. 

Women in business, Barre3 Boss Lady, Wisdom.

If you are looking for a place to recharge your mind and body, I would encourage you to stop into barre3 in Bellingham. Just go have a chat, soak in the atmosphere, take a peak at the amazing workout clothing they have in the lobby, and absorb the positivity running through this studio. You won't need anyone to sell you anything! 


barre3 is a fitness studio that offers a 60 minute class that incorporates cardio, core work, stretching, strength training using mostly body weight and some yoga postures.  It's a workout that will challenge your body and clear your mind! You can learn more about barre3 here

barre3's mission statement is one that I love - "To make the world a happier and healthier place." We deliver a kick butt workout that will leave you energized, feeling taller, leaner and stronger; ready to take on the rest of your day.

How and when did your business take shape?

My introduction to group exercise came early on. As a young teen I would attend aerobics classes with my mom and sisters.  At 20 I started teaching at a local YMCA. I continued to teach while working a job in banking. While taking time off to enjoy time with my children, I became a personal trainer. My curiosity about any kind of new workout led me to try a barre class while on vacation. I loved it from the start.  But I also wanted to see if the workout had longevity...could I stay toned and strong while using smaller weights?  I took classes when traveling and commuted to Seattle to practice barre3 and other barre workouts to see how they compared.  In 2012 I opened my studio.  Opening a barre3 studio, which is a franchise, means I can run my own business but I also have support from barre3 home office. You can read my bio on the barre3 website here

Women in business, Barre3 Boss Lady, Wisdom.

Part of what makes us unique is that we are a community. Most people have home and work; we want to be that third place. A positive place to destress, to make friends, a place where someone knows your name and genuinely cares about you.  The workout is also unique.  Our classes can be modified for someone who is working through an injury or can be dialed up for the athlete that wants to cross train. We have clients ranging in age from 16-70! Check out our schedule here.

Just like other industries, the health and fitness industry is always changing.  You'll hear so many opinions but the one that matters is what resonates with you; what feels good in your body and is something you can stick with.  The same goes for diet.  We constantly hear "Eat this, don't eat that, etc".  barre3 subscribes to a balanced, whole food nutrition prescription, which means eating food closest to it's natural state and avoiding processed food. Check out the b3 magazine to see all the yummy recipes!  

How do you balance being a BossLady with having a family/life? 

I couldn't do it alone!  My husband Rob and I are both business owners and support each other with household and parenting tasks.  I also have an amazing team that helps me run the business.  I also have a network of other barre3 owners whose wisdom I draw on frequently. 

If you could give someone starting their own business any advice what would it be?

Have a solid business plan - failing to plan is planning to fail. Surround yourself with mentors - ask questions. I love sharing what I've learned along the way. Only do what you are passionate about. Owning a business is a lot of work but if it's what you truly love, it won't seem as difficult.  

Women in business, Barre3 Boss Lady, Wisdom.

Thank you to Leah of Lj Shepherd Photography for not only encouraging us to reach out to Caitlyn, but for taking these BEAUTIFUL photos!