Bellingham Furniture Creator | The Shed
This gem of a lady is brought to you by another boss lady of ours! Leah of LJ Shepherd Photography suggested we reach out to this local builder to feature her as a BossLady. We were fully on board when we saw her gorgeous work and the way she gave old wood new life! However, Audra (the mastermind behind The Shed) wasn't quite so excited. She didn't say no, but she didn't day yes. It was over a year later that Audra told me she was game and shared why things had shifted.
Audra shared with me she hadn't felt she was "big" enough, or "important" enough to do something like this. However, she had recently seen some words on Instagram encouraging introverts to take a step into the uncomfortable, just to see what happens.
Goodness we're so happy she choose to step out and open herself to us! We rolled into her *gorgeous* home with Kelsey (Kelsey Michelle Photography) where she welcomed us with open arms. At first you might miss the razor sharp business mind behind the gracious smile of this Boss Lady.
Let me tell ya, it's there!
The Shed is a collection of handmade furniture and home goods built with rescued or reclaimed wood. And the style is a juxtaposition of modern and rustic design. My reason for starting this journey into entrepreneurship is twofold. First, I’ve always had a love affair with natural elements, specifically trees and the wood they produce.
“I believe the imperfections in wood are what make it beautiful.”
I get immense satisfaction from taking a raw piece of wood and turning it into a functional work of art for someone’s home. And secondly, I was a stay at home mom of two young boys looking for a creative outlet for myself. I had left a fast-paced career as a television journalist and while I loved being home with my children, I longed for more.
How do you balance being a #bosslady with having a family/life?
There is no specific formula I follow. I’m a master list maker. I have a to do list for every aspect of my life. They keep me organized, focused and on task. Also, I don’t hesitate to ask for help. I rely heavily on my immediate and extended family for advice and help.
What is a hardship or challenge you have had to overcome and how did you handle that?
When I was a kid, anytime someone would tell me I couldn't do something I'd say-- watch me! Still to this day that's how I handle a challenge whether the naysayers are coming from the outside or it’s my own self-doubt.
“Women can’t build furniture, can’t use power tools, can’t run a small business with two babies at home?— watch me!”
What is one moment you were really proud of in this Boss Lady journey?
At one of my first markets, a woman who was probably in her late 70s asked me, "who makes all your furniture?" I responded (slightly offended), "Well, I do". She gave me a big smile and a high five and said "good job!"
What is a big goal you have for your business? This is your chance to put it out there!
Right now, I depend on markets, online sales and custom orders but one day I’d love to transition to a brick and mortar store. In a perfect world, it would be in partnership with my sister who is an interior designer. Talk about a dream job!
If you could give someone starting their own buisness any advice what would it be?
Connect with other women entrepreneurs. In the beginning, I was too shy and frankly too scared to visit with other business owners.
“I thought, “why would they want to answer my questions or talk shop with me” when they have their own businesses to run? I was so wrong.”
When I finally started to connect with other lady bosses, my confidence soared and my business began to flourish. I love this new era of community over competition.
If you could grab coffee with ANY #BossLady, alive or dead, who would it be?
Leanne Ford. I love her sense of style, creativity, impeccable taste and passion for her craft. She is just the coolest boss lady! Basically, I want to be good friends with her, drink martinis and stay up all night redecorating my house
(We feel the same way about Audra as she feels about Leanne Ford. PLEASE come hang with us and decorate our houses!)
If you noticed how awesome these photos are, you should know, Kelsey Michelle Photography has a complete branding package! YOU COULD HAVE PHOTOS LIKE THIS!!