Things you think when I say I'm a makeup artist.

It’s a normal conversation starter to ask what I do, understandably. However, it’s always interesting to try to read someone’s expression after I tell them what I do for a living! Obviously, there are more to their thoughts than I think, because no one fits perfectly into a box. Just for funsies, here is a little taste of what I imagine going through their heads. With Disney illustrations, because everything is better with Disney! 


"Hi! I’m Elizabeth and I’m a makeup artist!"

Things you think when I say I'm a makeup artist.


Women under 20 years of age: You are SO not wearing enough makeup to be a makeup artist. I can’t even see your highlight.

Disney things you think when I say I'm a makeup artist.


Men: That’s a thing?

Disney things you think when I say I'm a makeup artist.


Women over 20: THAT’S SO COOL! Can you fix ____??

Disney things you think when I say I'm a makeup artist.


Father of the bride: My daughter is paying you how much?

Disney things you think when I say I'm a makeup artist.


Mother of the bride: Please don’t give me blue eye shadow and red lips.

Disney things you think when I say I'm a makeup artist.


Anyone from the older generation: Oh you dear girl. You need to get a REAL job. Millennials.

Disney things you think when I say I'm a makeup artist.



Fellow makeup artists! Did I miss some?? I would love to hear more!